Hi All, my name is Asia: I am a tool-using mammal, and happily, so are you!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Welcome to the MammalBlog!

Salutations, dear reader, and welcome to my brand-spankin'-new blog!  Tomorrow I am going to try my hand at flint knapping for the very first time, and I'm so nerdily PSYCHED about it that I felt I had to share.

You see, I am a tool-using mammal. I love human ingenuity, and I'm fascinated by how we've figured out the stuff we make and do. I have a degree in Sociology and Anthropology, but that's kind of peripheral to this blog; suffice it to say that I am a tinkerer who loves tools and gadgets, and the history of what we did and how we did it once we, as a species, came down out of the trees.

This blog is, I expect, going to be a hot mess of stuff that I'm interested in and/or experimenting with. Although it's putatively a hominid-centric blog, don't be surprised if I get all frothy with excitement over lemurs, otters, or other resourceful critters from various diverse phyla from time to time. Personally, I am an enthusiastic fiber and textiles geek, a rank beginner metalworker, experienced seamstress, armchair scientist, aspiring mechanical toymaker, and dabbler in a myriad other make-things-out-of-other-things pursuits. I don't expect that I'll have trouble keeping on topic, because the topic is "stuff I dig". That's called cheating, kids; read and learn.

Speaking of which, thanks for checking out my newly-hatched site! I hope you'll continue reading, and I look forward to hearing what y'all think, and what you're up to yourselves. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of the blogging.

    Love you,

